Category Archives: N900

HTC Desire

I’ve been using my daughter’s HTC Desire, now that she’s moved up in the world, to an iPhone. I have to say, the Desire is a significant step up from my previous mobile, the Nokia N900.

Don’t get me wrong, the N900 is a fabulous device. It’s not a mobile at all, really, it’s a Debian Linux box that happens to have some phone functionality built in, the ultimate geek toy for the smartphone age. The hardware is superb and the software could have been amazing, had it not been for the fact that Nokia abandoned the product and its users twice (first, by moving from the Maemo OS to Meego and then from Meego to Windows Mobile). It’s a supplier error and what could have been a great, great product became another footnote in communications history.

For this reason, I will not buy a Nokia again, not because they don’t know how to make phones because they do, but because who knows when they’ll decide to abandon their customers again?

The Desire, according to my daughter who knows all about this stuff, is an old phone. It’s OK but seriously uncool and nothing when compared to an iPhone. Not knowing better, I think the Desire is user-friendly to a degree that I haven’t witnessed in a while. Also, I’m not really an app kind of person, but there are enough of them available to keep me busy for a while.

Mobile Sync, Part Three

After (unsuccessfully) banging my head against the wall trying to sync my Ubuntu 10.04 laptop with the Nokia N900, I resorted to the only solution I knew would work.

I wiped out Ubuntu and installed Debian GNU/Linux Sid in its place. Apart from spending a night recovering from a dodgy dist-upgrade, the laptop now works, syncing perfectly with the N900.

Me, I think there is something wrong with Ubuntu 10.04.

Mobile Sync, Part Two

I have an older IBM Thinkpad (a T42p) laptop with Ubuntu Studio installed. In version 9.10, syncevolution worked like a charm. All I had to do was to install, setup the N900 and sync, no problems whatsoever. Then I got brave and upgraded the laptop to Ubuntu 10.04 and syncevolution to the latest version.

Fail to sync.

And mind you, it doesn’t tell me what’s wrong, it just fails. I’ve tried installing older syncevolution packages, resetting bluetooth stuff, sacrificing my firstborn… nothing helps!

If you know what’s wrong, please let me know.

Mobile Sync

After years of not being able to sync my Nokia mobile(s) with my Debian Linux desktop, syncevolution and the Evolution “groupware suite” have finally made that possible. I’ve had success with both my older Symbian 60-based phone, N95-2, and my (Maemo-based) N900.

See for details on how to do this. My Debian Sid box required the apt sources from that site (it seems that Sid is lagging behind, at least for now; they’ve packaged the last beta but the site includes the released 1.0 version), but otherwise the install and sync both went without a hitch.


Apple unveiled their newest iPhone, the 4G, earlier today. Looks like they are getting a little closer to what my Nokia N900 can do. I have to admit that they know how to market their stuff. If the functionality matched the hype, I might even be interested.

N900 Gets New Firmware

Those of us owning a Nokia N900 have been patiently (well, some of us, in any case) waiting for the new firmware, PR 1.2. It’s been delayed a couple of times but now informs us that tomorrow the wait is finally over.

Among the goodies are a new QT library, more apps, a revamped UI, and quite a list of bug fixes.

I Want A Nokia N900

I’ve been waiting to get my hands on a Nokia N900 smartphone for a couple of months now. Nokia released it in November or December (depending on who you choose to believe), and here in Sweden in January, but the phones have been in very short supply. I’ve been asking around but so far, there’s been no sign of the N900, anywhere I shop. The other week I finally placed an order at The PhoneHouse. I was told that there are currently six (6) phones available for 114 stores, but that I could expect it in a week and a half or so. And if I didn’t want it, the guy said he could sell it anyway…

The phone itself is a nerd’s wet dream. It runs on Maemo, a Debian/GNU Linux-based distro (yes, it can run Debian apps even though the screen might be ill-suited for some of them), and is actually more of a computer with a built-in mobile rather than the other way around. People have successfully managed to get OpenOffice to run on it and so I’m thinking that I can probably make some kind of XML editor work on it.

A fellow XML’er in the UK has had the phone for months, now, and doesn’t miss a chance to tell the world about it on Twitter. I’m jealous and I want one. Now.