Category Archives: FML

Automating Cinemas at XML Prague

I’ve been busy writing my presentation and some example XML documents for my presentation on Automating Cinemas Using XML at XML Prague in about a week and a half. I’m slightly biased, I know, but I think the presentation actually does make a good case for XML-based automation of cinemas. I know how primitive today’s automation is, in spite of the many technological advances, and I know where to improve it. The question I’m pondering right now is how to explain the key points to a bunch of XML people who’ve probably never seen a projection booth, and do it in twenty minutes.

The opposite holds true, of course, if I ever want to sell my ideas to theatre owners. They know enough about the technology (I hope) but how on earth will I be able to explain what XML is?

There’s still have stuff to do (for one, it would be nice to finish the XSLT conversions required and be able to demonstrate those, live, at the conference) but the presentation itself is practically finished and the DTD and example documents are coming along nicely. I suppose I need to update the whitepaper accordingly and publish it here, when I’m done.

See you at XML Prague!